48 year old female patient with pedal edema

This is an online e-log book to discuss our patients de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs .
A 48 yr old female patient came to the causality with cheif complaint of pedal edema since 1 yr and puffiness of face since 2 months.
History of present illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year back then she developed bilateral pedal edema extending upto knee, which is pitting type.she also noticed puffiness of face since 2 months and it reduced after taking medication and started from 1 week.
History of past illness:
Known complaint of hypertension since 3 years ( on regular medication TAB . NICARDIA 20mg POBD)
Known complaint of hypothyroidism since 1 year( on T THYROXINE 50mg POBD)
No known history of diabetes, tuberculosis,asthma , epilepsy.

Diet mixed 
appatite normal
Sleep adequate
Bowel and bladder movements normal
Micturation normal
No pernicious habits 

Pallor yes 
Cyanosis no
Icterus no clubbing of fingers no
Lymphadenopathy normal
Malnutrition no
Dehydration no
Temperature 98.9c
Pulse rate 99/ min
Respiratory rate 20/ min
Blood pressure 150/ 90 mmHg
Spo2 100
CVS: thrills no
         Cardiac sounds s1 s2
Respiratory system: 
Position of trachea center
Dysponea yes
Wheeze no
Abdominal examination:
Shape scaphoid
No palapable masses
No tenderness
Liver not palpable
Spleen not palpable
Bowel sounds present
Plan of care hemodialysis


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